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  • Sulema Altagracia Nuñez unec



Palabras clave: Acompañamiento - equipo de gestión - procesos de lectoescritura- enseñanza y aprendizaje - docentes y alumnos.



The main objective is to analyze the processes of accompaniment of the management team during the development of the teaching of literacy in the First Cycle of the Primary Level. The methodology used is quantitative. Data collection is done by creating a questionnaire and applying a survey, taking into account the population, which is made up of: eight (8); of which four (4) are established by the management team, and four (4) teachers, in the Yerba Buena Project Basic School, located on Pedregal Highway, Educational District 06-03, Jarabacoa. The conclusions are presented based on the objectives of the study where the teachers confirm with 75% that sometimes the management team complies with the protocol used in the processes of literacy accompaniment in the First Cycle of the Primary Level in the Educational center, while 25% reaffirm that never. In relation to the promotion of the participation of the teachers of the educational center, in the processes of accompaniment of literacy, the responses of the teachers, show the lack of compliance by the management team, in these actions, in that order the same . The management team appreciates in its responses that it is not complying with this action, to promote the participation of teachers in the literacy monitoring processes.



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How to Cite

Nuñez, S. A. (2024). Españpl Español: Español. Vectores Educativos, 4(1).


